
How i learn containerization in 1 day

Published on: Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Written by Bloomy

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Where it all begun

Numworks calculator have a method to update them. But the only way to know if there an update is through this page, and it doesn’t tell if there is an minor update.

Some member of the Omega community found how to make a little script to scan for updates, but i think that is unpractical because you need to know

  • How to make a script run automaticaly every day
  • How to make and/or use this script

I wanted to add my own little brick to help this community that helped me unlock full usage of my calculator with Omega & Upsilon

So i made a little app that check every day if there is an update for every calc that Numworks released. Because i love sharing my work, you can find all the code here.

But it wasn’t enought, Yaya.Cout asked if someone can make an container to do what my app do (i’ve seen that message before but didn’t see the container part)

So i searched how to do that

Docker is hard

So i installed Docker desktop on my computer…

As always when i try to learn something new, i have problems. Here Docker desktop wouldn’t install

After some troubleshooting, i managed to install Docker desktop and create a simple container. But then i realised some issues with my app

  • I can’t change the config file without re-building my app
  • All the files downloaded (the new versions) are wiped when the container restart

I fixed these 2 issues after mounting a volume to the folder of the download and moved the config file to that folder.

So i was thinking i have done everything to make a container.

But then Yaya mentionned that i’ve made my container for amd64 computers and he is running a Raspberry Pi as his server, and that my container weighted 1.37GBytes image of docker list courtesy of Yaya

So i searched how to reduce my container size and add support for other platforms

I switched from the base container node:18 to node:18-alpine to reduce my builded container size and then build the container for amd64, arm64 and armv7. I think i’ve builded for the most used platform. If you think differently, open an issue

The container page is here, Github repo is here

That’s how i learned containerization in 1 day.

Have a good day